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Management Degree Pathways at a Glance

We offer three options for you to pursue our master’s in the field of management. Choose to earn the degree completely through Harvard Extension School courses. Or use credentials from Harvard Business School Online or MITx to complement and diversify your Harvard experience.

Below is a chart to help you quickly compare the available pathways. For complete details, visit Management Degree RequirementsHBS Online CORe Pathway, and MITx MicroMasters Pathway.

Standard PathwayCORe PathwayMITx MicroMasters Pathway
Total courses at Extension12128
Average time to complete3.5 years3.5 years
not including time to complete CORe
2.5 years
not including time to complete MITx MicroMasters credential
not including costs to complete CORe
not including costs to complete MITx MicroMasters credential
Admissions course requirements
  • 1 economics course (microeconomics or managerial economics)
  • 1 organizational behavior course or EXPO 34 Business Rhetoric
  • 1 accounting course (financial or managerial accounting)
  • CORe
  • 1 economics course (microeconomics or managerial economics)
  • MITx MicroMasters
  • 1 economics course (microeconomics or managerial economics)
Required Courses
Organizational Behavior111
Microeconomic Theory or Economics of Business111
Financial or Managerial Accounting111
Enterprise Management110
Management electives441
Applied Active Learning Elective (on campus)111