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Spring Course Registration is open. Register by January 23.

Admission Details for International Students

The following are additional requirements for international applicants to the undergraduate and graduate degree programs at Harvard Extension School.

Undergraduate Program Applicants

International Credits and Degrees

If you’ve earned credits or degrees from institutions outside the United States, contact these schools to send your transcripts directly to International Education Evaluations (IEE) for assessment. Request a Course Report from IEE if you wish to receive transfer credit or a Document Report if you do not. Instruct IEE to send a copy of your evaluation directly to the Office of Predegree Advising & Admissions. See our guidelines for verifying international credits for more information.

Graduate Program Applicants

International Degrees

If you’ve earned your undergraduate degree from an institution outside the United States, contact the school to send your transcripts directly to International Education Evaluations (IEE) for assessment. Request a Document Report from IEE and instruct them to send a copy of it directly to the Office of Predegree Advising & Admissions. See our guidelines for verifying international credits for more information.

The On-Campus Requirement

Refer to Immunization Requirements when planning in advance to fulfill your program’s on-campus requirement in Cambridge.