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Weather and Emergency Cancellations

Severe weather or other emergencies sometimes require the cancellation of Extension classes. In the event of such cancellations, courses which meet weekly online via web conference will continue to meet as scheduled.  Please note that make-up classes for severe weather and other emergency cancellations may be scheduled for a University holiday, break period, or Saturday.

Cancellation Announcements

Severe weather and other emergency cancellations are announced through the following media:

  • Harvard Extension School homepage
  • 24-hour telephone information line messages:
    • Harvard Extension School information line: (617) 495-4024
    • Harvard University weather emergency phone line: (866) 496-NEWS (6397)
  • E-mail and text messages
    • Harvard Extension School e-mail to all current students and faculty 
    • MessageMe is Harvard University’s emergency notification system. To update your contact preferences, please visit  
  • Local television and website postings:

Travel and Safety

Whenever classes meet, pay attention to local weather and travel conditions if you commute from beyond the Cambridge and Boston area, and use your judgment regarding safe travel to campus.

See Campus Safety and the HUPD website for more information and tips on campus safety. In an emergency on campus, call (617) 495-1212, or use one of the blue light phones located at various outdoor campus locations, to reach the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD). 

If Cambridge institutes an emergency parking ban during a weather or other emergency, a notice will appear on the City of Cambridge website.