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Spring Course Registration is open. Register by January 23.

Media and Photo Information

For press and media requests, the Harvard Extension School can provide information on the school and connect journalists with experts on a variety of subjects related to continuing higher education. Please see the Division of Continuing Education media request information.

About Harvard Extension School

The following links can provide more information about the Harvard Extension mission, curriculum, faculty, and history.

Extension School Blog

The Harvard Extension School Blog houses recent articles, students profiles, videos, and events. You can explore stories through our various channels or tags, and even subscribe to channels via RSS.

News Archive

Student Stories

Learn about the Harvard Extension experience from people who have lived it. Meet our students.

External Media, Filming, and Photography Policies

Harvard University has strict policies about filming and taking photographs on campus. The following guidelines have been established to protect the privacy of all members of the Harvard community and to promote an environment conducive to learning. We appreciate your cooperation.

  1. Reporters, photographers, video/motion picture cameras, and media recording equipment are not permitted inside Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) and Harvard Extension School buildings, including classrooms, laboratories, office buildings, or other facilities unless assigned by the director of PR/media relations.
  2. Only exteriors of buildings may be photographed or filmed with approval in advance. To request a permission form, call (617) 998-8530. This permission form must be completed in advance of shooting, and the photographers or film crew must carry the form with them during the shoot.
  3. Please secure the permission, in advance, of any students who will be photographed or filmed in wide shots of the Yard or elsewhere.
  4. Special events, conferences, seminars, speeches, etc. may be recorded or filmed by the Harvard Extension School sponsoring organization, for archival purposes and news posts. Such recording may not be sold or distributed to other internal or external organizations.
  5. Filming and reporting of Harvard Extension School sponsored events inside Harvard buildings may be permitted at the discretion of the director of PR and media relations, in advance.

Photo Requests

Harvard Extension School maintains an electronic database of thousands of photos suitable for media use. You cannot republish our photographs without specific permission. For photo permissions, please email All photos are copyrighted and must be properly credited and used for the stated purpose only.