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Harvard Extension Ready: A Free Online Prep Tool

If it’s been a while since you were in the classroom, our Harvard Extension Ready tool can help you prepare.

In this free, online resource, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Refresh your writing skills

It’s free, self-guided, and self-paced.

So, are you ready to set yourself up for success? Sign up today!

There are Two Options to Enroll

More About the Resources

Topics Covered

Harvard Extension Ready includes several modules:

  • Writing Preparedness
    • Summary and Argument
    • Back to the Basics—A Grammar Refresher
    • Expressing Yourself Clearly

How It Works

All lessons are optional. If a module isn’t relevant to your goals, skip to the one that is. Want to retake a quiz to see if you can beat your score? We like that attitude. Go for it!

The modules feature a combination of:

  • Text-based instruction
  • Video tutorials
  • Guided assignments
  • Interactive quizzes

Grades & Assessments

This resource is designed to help you refresh your knowledge in writing. We hope it prepares you for placement tests and future assignments. Ideally, it’ll remind you just how much you already know.

The assignments and quizzes can help you assess any areas of weakness that you may need to review in more depth. You may retake the quizzes as many times as you like to master the material.

Your scores in these lessons do not influence enrollment or admissions to courses and programs at Harvard Extension School.