How did the accessibility or flexibility of HES help you in your journey?
The accessibility and flexibility offered by the Harvard Extension School have been instrumental in shaping my personal and academic journey.
When faced with unforeseen challenges and responsibilities, HES became a lifeline, providing me with the opportunity to pursue my educational aspirations without sacrificing other aspects of my life.
As a resident of California, the traditional in-person requirements of many universities seemed out of reach given my circumstances. However, HES stood out as a beacon of hope, offering a flexible and accessible learning environment that accommodated my needs.
Through the online and remote learning options, I was able to balance my work, childcare responsibilities, and education effectively.
With the education and experiences I have gained from HES, I am ready to forge my own path, leaving behind a trail of compassion, knowledge, and positive change.
The ability to customize my learning experience at HES has been invaluable. With a joint ALB/ALM degree in psychology, I have been able to tailor my studies to align with my interests and goals.
The wide range of courses and programs offered by HES allowed me to delve deeper into the field and gain a comprehensive understanding of psychology.
HES has also fostered a supportive community of professors, mentors, and fellow students who have played an essential role in my journey.
The expertise and guidance of the professors have not only enriched my learning experience but also provided valuable insights and mentorship. Interacting with like-minded individuals through collaborative projects, discussions, and networking opportunities has been inspiring and has expanded my horizons.

The program equipped me with all the necessary tools to thrive in my academic and professional pursuits. The availability of high-quality education and research facilities, as well as the unwavering support of exceptional and committed professors and mentors, enabled my success.
The opportunities afforded by HES extend beyond the classroom.
The flexibility of the program has enabled me to engage in extracurricular activities and initiatives that align with my passion for psychology. For instance, as the founder and president of the Harvard Extension School Psychology Student Society, I have been able to create a community that supports and empowers students interested in psychology and neuroscience.
Through working with HES and creating various events with distinguished guest speakers, and offering resources, we aim to provide a platform for personal and professional growth while fostering connections and addressing the unique challenges faced by students in the field.
The ability to customize my learning experience at HES has been invaluable.
The transformative power of HES has not only impacted my personal growth but has also opened doors to new possibilities.
It has instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility to utilize the knowledge and skills I have gained for the betterment of society. Inspired by my experiences at HES, I have established a nonprofit organization called, aimed at facilitating personal growth and development by providing individuals with carefully curated resources in various areas of interest, such as managing medical conditions, improving mental health, and accessing academic resources.
With the education and experiences I have gained from HES, I am ready to forge my own path, leaving behind a trail of compassion, knowledge, and positive change.
What’s something unexpected that you learned about Harvard?
During my time here at Harvard, I encountered a number of delightful surprises. One of them was the warm and compassionate individuals that populate the campus and surrounding Cambridge area.
Being in their midst has been a truly gratifying experience.
Another perk of being at Harvard is the myriad of benefits that come with the Harvard ID card. With access to numerous museums, libraries, the Smith Center, and much more, I have made the most of this privilege. I hope fellow students also take advantage of these opportunities.
What are you going to miss the most about HES?
As a joint degree candidate, I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to continue my academic pursuits with my exceptional professors and mentors.
Completing my bachelor’s degree while simultaneously working towards my master’s degree means that I can avoid the emotional turmoil that I would have faced at the thought of this journey coming to an end and having to bid farewell to these phenomenal individuals who have been instrumental in shaping my academic growth.
Describe your Extension experience in one word: